Cruise Ship Passengers

Windsurfing packages for Beginners in Corfu

Price calculation

Price Per Person
x 220,00 €

Have a coupon code? You can apply it on step 3 of this reservation.

Accommodation and trip information

Lead passenger information

Number of participants (including lead passenger)

We are sorry but we can't continue. Please fix the following issues:

  • Please select at least 1 service in the Price calculation section
  • Please choose your hotel and/or resort name
  • Please type in the name of your hotel
  • Please choose the desired trip date
  • Please choose the desired pickup point
  • Please choose your cruise line company
  • Please choose the name of your ship
  • Please choose the desired trip date
  • Please choose the desired time
  • Please enter your name
  • Please enter your email address
  • Please enter your email address in the correct format
  • Please enter a valid phone number
  • Please select at least one adult passenger

Additional Information

Please enter below any new notes or special requests. If you have chosen a professional guide option or your excursion comes with guiding anyway, please type here what is your preferred language. *Subject to availability.